
International Club
of Thymological Analytics

Innovative approach
to working with personality
RU /
Do you remember yourself from several years ago?
Answer yourself honestly...
What do you
Do you remember lightness, joy, confidence,
and bold ideas
bubbling up inside you?
Do you want to feel those emotions again?
It's possible to lose or forget something while journeying towards your desires, isn't it?

New paths and opportunities
will unfold

Your financial flows will skyrocket

Your creative spirit will be reborn or awakened

Life will be filled
with vibrancy

Everything that seemed impossible will become your reality

Bring yourself back!

We offer

the opportunity for deep self-discovery and the restoration of your true nature through Thymology

Our experts in the field of Thymology with integration of coaching and psychology will help you awaken your creative spirit

Once again, feel the joy of life and see unlimited possibilities ahead of you

Your personal transformation starts here — discover new paths in your work, creativity, and personal life

Join us, and
together we will make your life brighter!


People who have entrusted us
All names have been changed
to protect the privacy of our clients
Sergei and Tatyana, once again, thank you for the sessions!
I feel a great sense of liberation and lightness! The most vivid impression is the amazing atmosphere of complete trust that was established within the first five minutes of our work! this trust feels like a unique field created by joint, coordinated, and skilled work! And it was not superficial, but very deep work — not only addressing the issue, but my overall inner state. Very professional and incredibly gentle!
The session was very enlightening! Due to my past negative experiences, I was quite skeptical about energy work and psychosomatics, but people like Sergei make me reconsider my views because their words are well-founded, not just pulled out of thin air. Many thanks for the experience, I look forward to our next consultation, eager to try out the techniques and learn something new.
I was in the role of a client today and I'm still pleasantly impressed. The specialist has a very welcoming demeanor and immediately inspires trust and a sense of calmness, which helps to relax and trust the process. Thank you for such careful attitude, support, and very informative feedback!
I want to express my deep gratitude for the session! Everything in my head fell into its place, and I feel more confident in my abilities! It was a very pleasant and supportive conversation, thank you very much! I've already outlined a plan of action for myself, and there's defenitely work to be done!
I want to thank Sergey for the individual session that also included body-oriented practice. It was very productive and effective. I left the session with a positive attitude, feeling liberated and relieved. Sergey didn't rush me during the process, dedicating enough time to work on the request, for which I am immensely grateful.
I wanted to express my gratitude for the session. Our conversations were truly helpful. Everything is gradually improving, there's no rush that used to weigh me down. Since our sessions, my issues with alcohol have disappeared. At work, I've started sharing responsibility and not carrying everything on my shoulders. New ideas for my cafe are coming in and we've moved into a new house. Things are looking up. I strongly recommend you as great specialists.
Have other questions or would like to schedule
a session?
Join us, and
together we will make your life brighter!