

for the provision of consulting services

1. General Provisions:
1.1. This public agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) is an official proposal from the Individual Entrepreneur Vladimir Dmitrievich Vasilenko (TIN 745312330696), hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor,” to provide consulting services to capable individuals on the conditions listed below. Data when visiting the site is transferred by the user voluntarily, this may include: first name, last name, patronymic, telephone numbers, email addresses, addresses for the provision of services, details of the company that the user represents, position in the company that the user represents, accounts on social networks; form fields may also request other data.
1.2. In accordance with Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, this document is a public offer, and if the conditions set out below are accepted, the individual or legal entity accepting this offer shall pay for the Contractor’s Services in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, payment for the Contractor’s Services is an acceptance of the offer, which is considered tantamount to concluding an Agreement on the terms set out in the offer.
1.3. In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Civil Code of the Russian Federation), if the conditions set out below are accepted and payment for services is made, the legal entity or individual accepting this offer becomes the Client.
1.4. This Agreement is concluded between the Client at the time of ordering and paying for the service and is valid until the Parties fully fulfill their obligations.
1.5. After making payment, the Client is considered to have accepted all the terms of the offer and its annexes in full and without exception from the moment the order is placed and payment for the service is made, which is equivalent to the conclusion of the Service Agreement.
1.6. The Client is obliged to fully familiarize himself with this Agreement and the price list of services before receiving services through the Contractor’s Website. Carefully read the text of this public offer and if you do not agree with any point of the offer, the Contractor invites you to refuse to use the services.
2. Definitions and Terms
For the purposes of this public offer, the following basic definitions and terms apply:
2.1. The Contractor's website is a website located on the Internet at the address “https://Mkta.pro/”.
2.2. Consultant is a capable individual who has a specialized education in the field of psychology or philosophy or neurobiology, etc., and provides consulting services through video consultations or in person on various issues (emotional, personal, social, etc.), on the basis of a separate agreement for the provision of Services for clients of Private Entreprenuer Vasilenko.
2.3. Client - an individual or legal entity who has expressed a desire to use the services listed in the Services section of the site.
2.4. “Services” means the provision of paid services to the Client by the Contractor’s Consultants, expressed in paid consultations and therapeutic sessions from among the Services selected by the Client.
2.5. “Consultation” means a one-time act of providing services to the Client, expressed in conducting paid consultations upon the application or request of the Client on the Contractor’s Website. The method of conducting Consultations is face-to-face or “online consultations”; the Contractor does not provide other Services other than those specified. The minimum requirements, necessary resources and programs are listed in the “Services” section of the Contractor’s website.
2.6. The price of the Consultation does not include the Client’s costs for paying for Internet services, communication services, payment for the services of telecom operators, software, which the Client bears himself. The Client pays according to the price list for the Contractor's Services by making a 100% prepayment to the Contractor's account 24 hours before the appointed time. Otherwise, the Consultation order is cancelled.
2.7. The list of consulting services provided is given in the Appendix, which is an integral part of this offer.
2.8. The Public Agreement Offer and its annex are official documents and are published on the Internet resource at: http:// https://Mkta.pro/dogovor-oferty/
2.9. The Contractor has the right at any time to change the Price List and the terms of this public offer unilaterally without prior agreement with the Client, while ensuring the publication of the changed terms on the Internet resource at: http://Mkta.pro/dogovor-oferty/, no less than one day before their entry into force.
3. Rights and obligations of the parties
3.1. Consulting services are provided in full subject to 100% (one hundred percent) payment by the Client.
3.2. After reviewing the price list of the Contractor's services and the text of this public offer, the Client forms on the website or in the messenger specified on the website: an electronic application for Consultation, indicating in it the selected type of consultation, the time of consultation, taking into account the Appointment Time Calendar, indicating the topic and essence of the consultation issue.
3.3. The Client transfers funds using the Contractor's payment details in the amount corresponding to the selected type and time of service by any of the available methods. Details can be clarified via WhatsApp chat +792222637100.
3.4. After the Clients have made payment and credited funds to the Contractor’s current account, the Offer Agreement comes into force.
3.5. Within no more than ten working days from the moment of acceptance of the offer, the Contractor ensures the provision of consulting services to the Client in accordance with his application.
3.6. The Provider has the right to cancel the consultation with a demand for full financial compensation if the Client is late by 15 minutes or more.
If the Client is unable to fulfill the meeting agreement, he is obliged to notify the Contractor 24 hours before the start of the meeting.
3.7. The Contractor has the right to refuse subsequent consultations if the Client’s request requires the participation of a specialist with a medical education.
3.7.1. The Contractor has the right not to give any advice, diagnoses or recommendations if they do not specifically relate to the main topic of counseling psychological assistance.
3.7.2. The Contractor has the right to terminate further consultations without returning money in the event of inadequate, immoral and antisocial behavior of the Client, as well as if it becomes clear that the Client is a patient of a psychiatrist, or has incapacity or mental retardation of any degree, and also if the Client is a minor without the consent of one of the parents.
3.8. The Contractor has the right to record in writing the consultations carried out only with the permission of the Client for the purpose of documentation for more effective further consultation of the Client. Video recording of consultations by the Contractor is excluded.
3.9. The content and form of work is determined by the Contractor and the Client jointly, based on the Client’s needs and the Contractor’s ideas about constructive forms of work, as well as personal professional experience.
3.10. Services are considered to be provided properly and in full if, within three days from the date of receipt of the Consultation, the Client has not sent a reasoned refusal to accept the service to the Contractor's address.
3.11. At the written request of the Client, the Contractor may issue a printed version of the offer with signatures of the Parties, equal in legal force to this Public Offer Agreement.
3.12. The Client’s written request to sign a paper copy of this offer is considered to be the delivery to the Contractor of a printed version of this Offer, signed by the Client in two copies, containing the Client’s details. Shipping address: 3196084, St. Petersburg, 7k1, apt. 726 Parfenovskaya st..
3.13. The Contractor ensures the confidentiality of personal and other information received from the Client, except for cases provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation applicable to this Agreement.
3.14. The Contractor promptly publishes on its Website and/or sends by e-mail official messages related to any changes in the documents regulating the Contractor’s operating rules.
3.15. The date of payment for the Service chosen by the Client is the day the Client’s funds are received in the Contractor’s current account or bank card.
3.16. The Contractor has the right to temporarily suspend the fulfillment of assumed obligations for technical or other reasons that impede the execution of orders, for the period of elimination of the above reasons;
3.17. The Client undertakes to pay the cost of the type and time of Consultation he has chosen.
4. Validity period and changes in terms of the offer:
4.1. The public offer comes into force from the moment it is posted on the Internet on the Contractor’s Website and is valid until withdrawn.
4.2. If the Contractor makes changes to the public offer, such changes come into force from the moment the amended text of the public offer is posted, unless a different period for the changes to enter into force is further specified in the text of the publication.
5. Confirmations and representations, consents, warranties
5.1. Each Party assures and confirms to the other Party that the Parties have all properly executed rights, powers and approvals necessary to accept and fulfill the obligations provided for in this Agreement.
5.2. With the exception of the guarantees expressly stated in the text of the public offer, the Company does not provide any other direct or implied guarantees under the Agreement and expressly disclaims any guarantees or conditions of compliance provided by the Contractor to the Client.
5.3. By concluding this Agreement, the Client confirms that:
5.3.1. is familiar with and has the following information about the Contractor: name of the Contractor, services provided by the Contractor;
5.3.2. provided reliable information about yourself;
5.3.3. enters into the Agreement voluntarily, having fully read the terms of the public offer; understands the subject of the public offer and the legal consequences that may arise as part of the execution of the Agreement;
5.4. The Client agrees and acknowledges that actions performed using authentication data (login and password) give rise to legal consequences similar to the use of handwritten signatures.
6. Responsibility of the parties:
6.1. For failure to fulfill or improper performance of their obligations under this Agreement, the Parties are liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
6.2. The Contractor does not guarantee the absence of malfunctions and errors in the operation of the Site.
6.3. Neither Party will be liable for complete or partial failure to fulfill any of its obligations under this Agreement if the failure is a consequence of force majeure circumstances. The party for which it is impossible to fulfill the circumstances is obliged to immediately notify the other party in writing of the occurrence, expected duration and termination of the above circumstances. Failure to notify or untimely notification deprives the Parties of the right to refer to any of the above circumstances as a basis for releasing them from liability for failure to fulfill an obligation.
7. Dispute resolution procedure:
7.1. The parties must take all measures to resolve all disputes and disagreements that may arise under this Agreement or in connection with it through negotiations.
7.2. Any disputes and disagreements of the Parties under this Agreement or in connection with it, which were not resolved through negotiations between the Parties within a calendar month from the moment the dispute arose, are subject to resolution in court in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
8. Confidentiality:
8.1. The fact of concluding this Agreement is not considered by the Parties as confidential information.
8.2. The Parties undertake not to disclose information received by the Parties in the course of fulfilling their obligations under this Agreement, except in cases where the Party is obliged to provide such information in accordance with the current legislation applicable to the Agreement, or consent has been obtained to disclose such information.
9. Other conditions:
9.1. If any term or part thereof of this Agreement is rendered invalid, in whole or in part, by any statute or provision of law, such term or part thereof shall not be deemed to be part of this Agreement and shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this Agreement.
9.2. On all issues not regulated in this Agreement, the Parties are guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
9.3. All annexes to the Agreement published on the Contractor’s Website are its integral parts.
10. Details of the Contractor:


TIN 745312330696
OGRN/OGRNIP 320665800080428
Settlement account No. 40802810500001525401
Correspondent account No. 30101810145250000974
BIK 044525974
Purpose of payment: "Consulting services under the Public Offer Agreement".
phone number: +79935071198
E-MAIL: ura.produkt@gmail.com

Annex to the Public Offer Agreement for provision of consulting services

The cost of services under this Agreement shall be:
Online consultations via electronic video exchange or face-to-face consultations:
1. Therapeutic session Standard, duration of 50 minutes – 5000 rubles or 50 euros.
2. Therapeutic session Comfort, duration 1 hour 15 minutes + messenger support 3 days after the session - 7500 rubles or 75 euros.
3. Therapeutic session Premium, duration of 2 hours + messenger support 7 days after the session - 10500 rubles or 105 euros.
4. Personal "Coaching + therapy" for 6 meetings for one person – 63000 rubles or 630 euros, the price for one meeting 10500 rubles or 105 euros. The duration of one meeting is 2 hours.
5. Group "Coaching + therapy" (from 2 people) for one person for 6 meetings – 42000 rubles or 420 euros, price for one meeting –7000 rubles or 70 euros. The duration of one session is 2 hours.
Clients receive a link to the video meeting via WhatsApp, Telegram or e-mail 5-10 minutes before the start of the therapeutic session.